UNFAIR DISMISSAL Have you been fired, or forced to resign? [click here]

Work is a very large part of our lives and many events can happen at work.

Unfortunately, you may be subject or have been subjected to unlawful discrimination at your work based on your race, ethnic background, sex, sexual preference, age disability or any other qualities.

In Australia, there are laws governing the actions and responsibilities of employers, employees, contractors in the workforce. Our mission is to protect and compensate you when you have suffered unlawful discrimination or adverse action in the hands of someone at work.

You may also find yourself unlawfully terminated from your position. No income when you have a family or yourself to support can be frightening.

Contact Benefit Legal about your rights at work and whether or not your termination was lawful. You may have also feel pressured to have resigned by your own and this may still be considered an unlawful termination by your employer.

At Benefit Legal, we are here to listen to your situation and to advocate for your rights and to achieve the highest amount of compensation due to a workplace wrongdoing.

We can offer to help you on a “no win, no fee” basis which means that you don’t have to pay any fees up front and we only charge you if you win.


Contact Benefit Legal Lawyers now for immediate advice.