Compensation Law

We act in compensation claims arising from: Motor Vehicle Accidents (injuries), Motor Vehicle Accidents (property damage claims), Work Accidents, Public liability and slip-and-fall accidents, Medical Negligence…

Family Law

We will assist you to save costs and during difficult moments in family legal matters. We are conscious of the sensitive issues arising from family cases of divorces, parenting orders, financial property arrangements and child support applications.

Will and estate practice

We understand that the loss of a family member can be a difficult time. Our team is experienced in handling matters regarding the estate including but not limited to: defending a will, challenging a will…

Areas of expertise

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Injuries due to motor vehicles accidents are devastating life long effects to the victims involved. When dealing with injury claims you should not have additional worries from parties that don’t understand your loss or deny liability for your injury, loss or damage.

Work accident

Accidents at work can happen. We can act for you to recover your lost wages and for you to receive medical treatment to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. Even if your employer or insurance company deny your claim, we can advise you on your rights and entitlements.

Medical negligence

Medical Negligence claims involve cases of lack of diagnosis, delayed diagnosis or mistakes made by a medical treatment provider or medical personnel. Medical practitioners and institutions are obliged to have a valid insurance policy to cover the cost of your injury and loss. We are dedicated to investigate your case and look for evidence of negligence.

Family Law

Benefit Legal Lawyers will assist you to save costs and during difficult moments in family legal matters. We are conscious of the sensitive issues arising from family cases of divorces, parenting orders, financial property arrangements and child support applications. We offer professional advice and services in these areas to make tough moments easier to you and your loved ones.

Will and estate practice

We understand that the loss of a family member can be a difficult time. Our team is experienced in handling matters regarding the estate including but not limited to: defending a will, challenging a will…

Workplace discrimination and unfair dismissal

Work is a very large part of our lives and many events can happen at work.

Unfortunately, you may be subject or have been subjected to unlawful discrimination at your work based on your race, ethnic background, sex, sexual preference, age disability or any other qualities.

Do not hesitate to contact us

If you have any questions, remember that some situations require your fast reaction

Get in touch

Success Stories

A client was a pedestrian involved in a road accident where Police alleged it was his fault. When a CTP insurer denied his claim the client consulted two big plaintiff law firms in Sydney but they did not accept to represent him. We fought for the claimant in a tribunal which found in our client’s favour. The client is now entitled to receive loss of wages and can continue with medical treatment and rehabilitation which is being paid by the insurer.

A client was involved in a work injury when they injured their leg and had been unable to work. In addition to their workers compensation benefits, the client tried to apply for a Total and Permanent disability benefit from their superannuation fund by themselves but was unsuccessful. After the client instructed us, we acted and was able to successful obtain his disability benefit.

A client was involved in a motor vehicle accident which was a hit and run. Even though they were unable to locate the vehicle we were still able to lodge a claim and help them receive compensation for lost wages and treatment.

A client was involved in a motor vehicle accident but did not lodge a claim until nearly two years after the car accident. Even though the client was told by another law firm that there was nothing they could do, the client contacted us and we lodged a claim with the insurer and argued successfully to allow the client to make a claim out of time.

A client had their matter handled by multiple law firms for a psychological injury of bullying in the workplace and dragged on for many years. The client had complained that they were unable to contact their lawyer. We took over this matter and it was finalised quickly and resulted in a seven figure settlement for the client.